Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Northeast

Day 9
February 14, 2013

Hey guys it's Livia blogging here today! We had a great time yesterday touring the vineyards, but today we are in the northwest area of Argentina. We had another 10 hour bus ride to get to our destination. Argentina is such a big country it requires a lot of driving around to experience the whole thing.

A sign outside the city- watch out for llamas!
The Northeast region consists of alot of vast plains with some mountains and valleys. We didn't plan on staying for long because there is not a whole lot of exciting things for tourists to do. We did pay a quick visit to the small city of Salta. The town was founded way back in 1582 and had strategic views of the surrounding areas and natural moats for protection. These factors made it an attractive settlement. We arrived in Salta at about 3 which gave us some time to walk around and check things out. We made a quick stop at Museo de Arqueologia de Mlta Montana de Salta which was the local museum. It's main attraction was a mummy that had been recently discovered in the Andes. Creepy! There were also lots of cool carnival masks on display.

Later in the day we were able to watch a futbol game at Estadio Gigante de el Norte. In America we call it soccer instead of futbol. The game was between two local teams so the crowd was fairly small. Everyone there was so excited though yelling and screaming for their favorite team. People in Argentina sure do love some futbol. It's too bad all the major league games in Buenos Aires were already sold out.

We headed back to where we were staying for the night; Hotel Marilian at about nine. Amazingly we were able to get a room with enought beds so no one had to sleep on the floor!

Today was a pretty uneventful day. I think we are all eager to finally get to the Mesopotamia region of Argentina where all the exotic rainforests and swamps are.

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