Monday, December 17, 2012

Heading back home!

Day 13:
February 18, 2013

It's Tiffany blogging again! No one wanted to do this blog because they were frantically trying to pack their things up without forgetting anything, but I packed last night so I got stuck with blogging duty. Today is the day that we will be traveling back home to North Carolina from Buenos Aires. Luckily for us, we still had the day to finish up what we wanted to finish up in Buenos Aires because our flight didn't leave until 9:30 at night.

The beautiful Paseo del Rosedal Gardens
We left the hotel around 11 in the morning. We went window shopping around town until we decided to go to the Paseo del Rosedal, or Rose Garden Walk when translated. These are gardens that extremely well manicured and cover a large area of land. We only walked around for about an hour until we decided to head back to the hotel to check out.

We arrived at the airport around 6:30 pm to have time to go through security and customs. Luckily for us, not many people were there since we were leaving on a Monday. Our plane departed around 9:30 at night and it was a no-stop flight so we arrived in North Carolina around 11:30 in the morning.

Our trip to Argentina was one of the best trips of our lives. We had so much fun getting to spend time with one another and getting to expeirence the beautiful culture and nature of Argentina, as well as getting to meet some fantastic people.

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