Friday, December 7, 2012

"Bad Rock"

Day 7:
February 12, 2013

Just some random cows wondering the campgrounds
Hey, it's Tiffany blogging again! Anyways, we woke up at five this morning to catch the bus to take us to some inactive volcano. Oh, I forgot to mention we are staying at a campsite. Gross. There are about three nearby hostels that we could have easily stayed at instead, but no of course we are going to spend the night camping out. Anyways, I had no part of planning out this part of the trip. Our campsite is called Piedra Mala which means 'bad rock'. I guess no one realized when they booked the campsite it was called this because a huge rock blocks out the view of the volcano from the campgrounds. Absolutely fantastic. However, this day won't go to waste because we are right on a beautiful lake and the camp had some kayaks that we could use. We had a great time kayaking around and enjoying the mountain scenery.

Our new friends getting ready to fish

We soon came to the realization that it was too late to go to the nearest town to grab a bite to eat and we hadn't planned on bringing food with us to cook. Personally I thought we should take advantage of the two random cows wondering the campgrounds but everyone else seemed horrified by that idea. Luckily we made some new friends at the campsite who had fishing gear and taught us how to fish. Only Lexie and Livia caught any fish and they both argued over whose fish was the best. Both fish were about the same size but Livia thought that hers had prettier scales. It didn't matter which fish had the prettiest scales though because our new friends soon taught us how to scale and cook the fish. It ended up being a pretty good meal! Anyways, I'm excited to get back to somewhere that is a little more civilized tomorrow. Sorry for being such a downer (and a little sarcastic) today, it just hasn't been a good day for me. Argentina is still amazing even if this was a little out of my comfort zone.

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