Sunday, November 25, 2012

Exploring Buenos Aires

Day 2:
February 7, 2013
Hey, it’s Rachel here today! Tiffany gave us all the stink eye this morning because we all “accidently” fell asleep and she had to stay up late last night blogging. Anyways, now that our long day of travel is over with, we were able to spend today exploring the beautiful city of Buenos Aires! Oh, before I get started we are staying in the Posada Gotan Bed and Breakfast. It’s a pretty basic place because we all agreed on staying in cheaper places, this way we could afford to do more fun stuff. But the place is pretty clean and serves breakfast, so what more could you ask for?
The first thing that we did today was head over to the Lujan Zoo. This zoo is very controversial because you are literally hanging out with lions, tigers, and bears. I think we were all a little skeptical of this at first, but it ended up being a really cool experience! We got to pet and sit on all these animals which would normally be dangerous, but instead they were really calm because they had been raised in captivity and were very tame. You also had the option of feeding them and Livia was daring enough to let a bear use his tongue to eat a grape right out of her lips! We spent most of our day there because there were many other attractions like riding on camels. For lunch we bought some frozen hot dogs and grilled them using the grills in the park.
Cementerio de la Recoleta

After our day at the Lujan Zoo we didn’t have a whole lot of time left before it got late, so we decided to go check out the famous cemetery, Cementerio de la Recoleta. It isn't a typical cemetery with a bunch of gravestones, but instead it had tons of giant tombs and mausoleums. All of them formed what almost looked like a little city. It was a lot of fun walking through all the narrow allies in the cemetery, even if it was a little eerie. We got to see the tombs of famous Argentinians like Jose Hernandez who wrote the national poetry epic. It started to get pretty dark out so we headed back to the hotel to get some rest for tomorrow. We are all pretty excited about the big festival that starts tomorrow, apparently it’s like the Marti Gras of Argentina!

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